Friday, January 23, 2015

Monday, January 12

To His Coy Mistress

You've to to Love Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress".  Honestly, there is no better, more eloquently written work that translates to 'lets have sex before you get ugly and die'. Has there ever been a poem with a deeper meaning? Honestly! I find it interesting that there are works from the 1600's that resonate today. The poem isn't about love, it isn't about beauty, its about getting while the getting is good. Even the choice of title makes me laugh. "To His Coy Mistress," not "Love There Isn't Time" or anything as masked as would be expected. He isn't implying love, or even respect. Marvell's work can be summed up quickly and simply. The speaker would love to court this lady, this mistress, but he can't because she is getting uglier with each day. No time to waste! It's easy for the writer to say that he would give her the world if he could and conveniently not be able to. I don't think this poem is supposed to make me laugh as much as it does... hahah.

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